HSolveActive Class Reference

#include <HSolveActive.h>

Inheritance diagram for HSolveActive:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for HSolveActive:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HSolveActive ()
void setup (Id seed, double dt)
void step (ProcPtr info)
 Equivalent to process.
void reinit (ProcPtr info)

Protected Attributes

int caAdvance_
double vMin_
double vMax_
int vDiv_
double caMin_
double caMax_
int caDiv_
vector< CurrentStructcurrent_
 Channel current.
vector< double > state_
 Fraction of gates open.
vector< ChannelStructchannel_
 to compartment: chan2compt
vector< SpikeGenStructspikegen_
vector< SynChanStructsynchan_
vector< CaConcStructcaConc_
 Ca pool info.
vector< double > ca_
 Ca conc in each pool.
vector< double > caActivation_
 calcium pool
vector< double * > caTarget_
LookupTable vTable_
LookupTable caTable_
vector< bool > gCaDepend_
 depend on Ca conc?
vector< unsigned int > caCount_
 each compartment
vector< int > caDependIndex_
 depdt channel depend upon?
vector< LookupColumncolumn_
 to lookup for this species
vector< LookupRowcaRowCompt_
vector< LookupRow * > caRow_
vector< int > channelCount_
vector< currentVecIter > currentBoundary_
vector< unsigned int > chan2compt_
vector< unsigned int > chan2state_
 a state index
vector< double > externalCurrent_
vector< IdcaConcId_
 Used for localIndex-ing.
vector< IdchannelId_
 Used for localIndex-ing.
vector< IdgateId_
 Used for localIndex-ing.
vector< unsigned int > outVm_
vector< unsigned int > outCa_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HSolveActive::HSolveActive (  ) 

References caAdvance_.

Member Function Documentation

void HSolveActive::reinit ( ProcPtr  info  ) 

References externalCurrent_.

void HSolveActive::setup ( Id  seed,
double  dt 

Reimplemented from HSolvePassive.

void HSolveActive::step ( ProcPtr  info  ) 

Equivalent to process.

References HSolvePassive::backwardSubstitute(), channel_, current_, ProcInfo::dt, externalCurrent_, HSolvePassive::forwardEliminate(), and HinesMatrix::nCompt_.

Referenced by HSolve::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

vector< double > HSolveActive::ca_ [protected]

Ca conc in each pool.

Referenced by HSolve::getCa(), and HSolve::setCa().

vector< double > HSolveActive::caActivation_ [protected]

calcium pool

Ca current entering each

Referenced by HSolve::iCa().

int HSolveActive::caAdvance_ [protected]

Solver parameters: exposed as fields in MOOSE caAdvance_: This flag determines how current flowing into a calcium pool is computed. A value of 0 means that the membrane potential at the beginning of the time-step is used for the calculation. This is how GENESIS does its computations. A value of 1 means the membrane potential at the middle of the time-step is used. This is the correct way of integration, and is the default way.

Referenced by HSolve::getCaAdvance(), HSolveActive(), and HSolve::setCaAdvance().

vector< CaConcStruct > HSolveActive::caConc_ [protected]
vector< Id > HSolveActive::caConcId_ [protected]

Used for localIndex-ing.

vector< unsigned int > HSolveActive::caCount_ [protected]

each compartment

Number of calcium pools in

vector< int > HSolveActive::caDependIndex_ [protected]

depdt channel depend upon?

Which pool does each Ca

int HSolveActive::caDiv_ [protected]
double HSolveActive::caMax_ [protected]
double HSolveActive::caMin_ [protected]
vector< LookupRow* > HSolveActive::caRow_ [protected]

Points into caRowCompt. For each channel, points to the appropriate pool's LookupRow in the caRowCompt vector. This value is then used by the channel. Also happens in HSolveActive::advanceChannels

vector< LookupRow > HSolveActive::caRowCompt_ [protected]

Lookup row buffer. For each compartment, the lookup rows for calcium dependent channels are loaded into this vector before being used. The vector is then reused for the next compartment. This vector therefore has a size equal to the maximum number of calcium pools across all compartments. This is done in HSolveActive::advanceChannels

vector< double* > HSolveActive::caTarget_ [protected]

For each channel, which calcium pool is being fed? Points into caActivation.

vector< unsigned int > HSolveActive::chan2compt_ [protected]

Index of the compt to which a given (index) channel belongs.

Referenced by HSolve::getIk().

vector< unsigned int > HSolveActive::chan2state_ [protected]

a state index

Converts a chnnel index to

Referenced by HSolve::getX(), HSolve::getY(), HSolve::getZ(), HSolve::setX(), HSolve::setY(), and HSolve::setZ().

vector< ChannelStruct > HSolveActive::channel_ [protected]
vector< int > HSolveActive::channelCount_ [protected]


Number of channels in each

vector< Id > HSolveActive::channelId_ [protected]

Used for localIndex-ing.

vector< LookupColumn > HSolveActive::column_ [protected]

to lookup for this species

Which column in the table

vector< CurrentStruct > HSolveActive::current_ [protected]

Channel current.

Internal data structures. Will also be accessed in derived class HSolve.

Referenced by HSolve::getEk(), HSolve::getGk(), HSolve::getIk(), HSolve::getIm(), HSolve::setEk(), HSolve::setGk(), and step().

vector< currentVecIter > HSolveActive::currentBoundary_ [protected]

Used to designate compt boundaries in the current_ vector.

Referenced by HSolve::getIm().

vector< double > HSolveActive::externalCurrent_ [protected]

External currents from channels that HSolve cannot internalize.

Referenced by HSolve::addGkEk(), reinit(), and step().

vector< Id > HSolveActive::gateId_ [protected]

Used for localIndex-ing.

vector< bool > HSolveActive::gCaDepend_ [protected]

depend on Ca conc?

Does the conductance

vector< unsigned int > HSolveActive::outCa_ [protected]

concOut info. Tells you which compartments have external calcium-dependent channels so that you can send out Calcium concentrations in only those compartments.

vector< unsigned int > HSolveActive::outVm_ [protected]

VmOut info. Tells you which compartments have external voltage-dependent channels (if any), so that you can send out Vm values only in those places

vector< SpikeGenStruct > HSolveActive::spikegen_ [protected]
vector< double > HSolveActive::state_ [protected]
vector< SynChanStruct > HSolveActive::synchan_ [protected]
int HSolveActive::vDiv_ [protected]

Referenced by HSolve::getVDiv(), and HSolve::setVDiv().

double HSolveActive::vMax_ [protected]

Referenced by HSolve::getVMax(), and HSolve::setVMax().

double HSolveActive::vMin_ [protected]

vMin_, vMax_, vDiv_, caMin_, caMax_, caDiv_:

These are the parameters for the lookup tables for rate constants. 'min' and 'max' are the boundaries within which the function is defined. 'div' is the number of divisions between min and max.

Referenced by HSolve::getVMin(), and HSolve::setVMin().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on 1 Jul 2015 for MOOSE by  doxygen 1.6.1