CylMesh Class Reference

#include <CylMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for CylMesh:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CylMesh:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CylMesh ()
 ~CylMesh ()
void updateCoords (const Eref &e, const vector< double > &childConcs)
void setX0 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getX0 (const Eref &e) const
void setY0 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getY0 (const Eref &e) const
void setZ0 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getZ0 (const Eref &e) const
void setR0 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getR0 (const Eref &e) const
void setX1 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getX1 (const Eref &e) const
void setY1 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getY1 (const Eref &e) const
void setZ1 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getZ1 (const Eref &e) const
void setR1 (const Eref &e, double v)
double getR1 (const Eref &e) const
void innerSetCoords (const Eref &e, const vector< double > &v)
void setCoords (const Eref &e, vector< double > v)
vector< double > getCoords (const Eref &e) const
void setDiffLength (const Eref &e, double v)
double getDiffLength (const Eref &e) const
double getTotLength () const
unsigned int innerGetDimensions () const
unsigned int getMeshType (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return MeshType of specified entry.
unsigned int getMeshDimensions (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return dimensions of specified entry.
double getMeshEntryVolume (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry.
vector< double > getCoordinates (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry.
vector< double > getDiffusionArea (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area.
vector< double > getDiffusionScaling (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return scale factor for diffusion. 1 here.
double extendedMeshEntryVolume (unsigned int fid) const
 Volume of mesh Entry including abutting diff-coupled voxels.
unsigned int innerGetNumEntries () const
void innerSetNumEntries (unsigned int n)
 Inherited virtual func.
vector< unsigned int > getParentVoxel () const
 Inherited virtual, do nothing for now.
const vector< double > & vGetVoxelVolume () const
 Virtual func so that derived classes can pass voxel volume back.
const vector< double > & vGetVoxelMidpoint () const
 Virtual func so that derived classes can return voxel midpoint.
const vector< double > & getVoxelArea () const
const vector< double > & getVoxelLength () const
double vGetEntireVolume () const
 Inherited virtual. Returns entire volume of compartment.
bool vSetVolumeNotRates (double volume)
 Inherited virtual. Resizes len and dia of each voxel.
void innerBuildDefaultMesh (const Eref &e, double volume, unsigned int numEntries)
 Virtual func to make a mesh with specified Volume and numEntries.
void innerHandleRequestMeshStats (const Eref &e, const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > > *meshStatsFinfo)
void innerHandleNodeInfo (const Eref &e, unsigned int numNodes, unsigned int numThreads)
void transmitChange (const Eref &e)
void buildStencil ()
void matchMeshEntries (const ChemCompt *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
double nearest (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int &index) const
double nearest (double x, double y, double z, double &linePos, double &r) const
void indexToSpace (unsigned int index, double &x, double &y, double &z) const
void matchCylMeshEntries (const CylMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
void matchCubeMeshEntries (const CubeMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
void matchNeuroMeshEntries (const NeuroMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
double selectGridVolume (double h) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const CinfoinitCinfo ()

Detailed Description

The CylMesh represents a chemically identified compartment shaped like an extended cylinder. This is psuedo-1 dimension: Only the axial dimension is considered for diffusion and subdivisions. Typically used in modelling small segments of dendrite

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CylMesh::CylMesh (  ) 
CylMesh::~CylMesh (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void CylMesh::buildStencil (  ) 

References MeshCompt::addRow(), MeshCompt::innerResetStencil(), PI, and MeshCompt::setStencilSize().

Referenced by innerSetNumEntries().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double CylMesh::extendedMeshEntryVolume ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Volume of mesh Entry including abutting diff-coupled voxels.

Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry, including for diffusively coupled voxels from other solvers.

Reimplemented from MeshCompt.

References getMeshEntryVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< double > CylMesh::getCoordinates ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry.

Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry. For Cylindrical mesh, coords are x1y1z1 x2y2z2 r0 r1 phi0 phi1

Implements ChemCompt.

vector< double > CylMesh::getCoords ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getDiffLength ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

vector< double > CylMesh::getDiffusionArea ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area.

Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area for each neighbor.

Implements ChemCompt.

References PI.

vector< double > CylMesh::getDiffusionScaling ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return scale factor for diffusion. 1 here.

Implements ChemCompt.

unsigned int CylMesh::getMeshDimensions ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return dimensions of specified entry.

Implements ChemCompt.

double CylMesh::getMeshEntryVolume ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry.

diffLength = length constant for diffusive spread len = length of each mesh entry totLen = total length of cylinder diffLength = k * r^2 Each entry has the same number of diffLengths, L = len/diffLength. Thinner entries have shorter diffLength. This gives a moderately nasty quadratic. However, as len(i) is prop to diffLength(i), and diffLength(i) is prop to r(i)^2 and the cyl-mesh is assumed a gently sloping cone we get len(i) is prop to (r0 + slope.x)^2 and ignoring the 2nd-order term we have len(i) is approx proportional to x position.

dr/dx = (r1-r0)/len ri = r0 + i * dr/dx r(i+1)-ri = (r1-r0)/numEntries len = k * r^2 we get k from integ_r0,r1( len.dr ) = totLen So k.r^3/3 | r0, r1 = totLen => k/3 * ( r1^3 - r0^3) = totLen => k = 3 * totLen / (r1^3 - r0^3); This is bad if r1 == r0, and is generally unpleasant.

Simple definition of rSlope: rSlope is measured per meshEntry, not per length: rSlope = ( r1 - r0 ) / numEntries; Let's just compute len0 from r0 and diffLength. len0/diffLength = 2 * r0 / (r0 + r1) so len0 = diffLength * 2 * r0 / (r0 + r1) and dlen/dx = lenSlope = diffLength * rSlope * 2/(r0 + r1)

Drop the following calculations: // dlen/dx = dr/dx * dlen/dr = ( (r1-r0)/len ) * 2k.r // To linearize, let 2r = r0 + r1. // so dlen/dx = ( (r1-r0)/len ) * k * ( r0 + r1 ) // len(i) = len0 + i * dlen/dx // len0 = totLen/numEntries - ( numEntries/2 ) * dlen/dx

Implements ChemCompt.

References PI.

Referenced by extendedMeshEntryVolume(), vGetEntireVolume(), and vGetVoxelVolume().

unsigned int CylMesh::getMeshType ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return MeshType of specified entry.

Implements ChemCompt.

References CYL, and SPHERE_SHELL_SEG.

vector< unsigned int > CylMesh::getParentVoxel (  )  const [virtual]

Inherited virtual, do nothing for now.

Implements MeshCompt.

double CylMesh::getR0 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getR1 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getTotLength (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

const vector< double > & CylMesh::getVoxelArea (  )  const [virtual]

Implements MeshCompt.

References PI.

const vector< double > & CylMesh::getVoxelLength (  )  const [virtual]

Implements MeshCompt.

double CylMesh::getX0 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getX1 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getY0 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getY1 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getZ0 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

double CylMesh::getZ1 ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

void CylMesh::indexToSpace ( unsigned int  index,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 
) const [virtual]

Converts specified index to xyz coords of middle of voxel Values out of range return original xyz

Implements ChemCompt.

const Cinfo * CylMesh::initCinfo (  )  [static]
void CylMesh::innerBuildDefaultMesh ( const Eref e,
double  volume,
unsigned int  numEntries 
) [virtual]

Virtual func to make a mesh with specified Volume and numEntries.

Single voxel cylinder with diameter = length. vol = volume = pi.r^2.len. So len = 2r, volume = pi*r^2*2r = 2pi*r^3 so r = (volume/2pi)^(1/3)

Implements ChemCompt.

References PI, and setCoords().

Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned int CylMesh::innerGetDimensions (  )  const [virtual]

Implements ChemCompt.

unsigned int CylMesh::innerGetNumEntries (  )  const [virtual]

Inherited virtual func. Returns number of MeshEntry in array

Implements ChemCompt.

Referenced by initCinfo().

void CylMesh::innerHandleNodeInfo ( const Eref e,
unsigned int  numNodes,
unsigned int  numThreads 
) [virtual]

Implements ChemCompt.

void CylMesh::innerHandleRequestMeshStats ( const Eref e,
const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > > *  meshStatsFinfo 
void CylMesh::innerSetCoords ( const Eref e,
const vector< double > &  v 
void CylMesh::innerSetNumEntries ( unsigned int  n  )  [virtual]

Inherited virtual func.

Inherited virtual func. Assigns number of MeshEntries.

Implements ChemCompt.

References buildStencil().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::matchCubeMeshEntries ( const CubeMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const
void CylMesh::matchCylMeshEntries ( const CylMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const
void CylMesh::matchMeshEntries ( const ChemCompt other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const
void CylMesh::matchNeuroMeshEntries ( const NeuroMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const
double CylMesh::nearest ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double &  linePos,
double &  r 
) const

References ChemCompt::distance().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double CylMesh::nearest ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
unsigned int &  index 
) const [virtual]

Returns distance and index of nearest mesh entry. Computes each mesh entry position as its geometric centre. If the current location is not inside a valid mesh entry, distance returned is negative.

Implements ChemCompt.

double CylMesh::selectGridVolume ( double  h  )  const
void CylMesh::setCoords ( const Eref e,
vector< double >  v 

Referenced by initCinfo(), and innerBuildDefaultMesh().

void CylMesh::setDiffLength ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setR0 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setR1 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setX0 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setX1 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setY0 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setY1 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setZ0 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::setZ1 ( const Eref e,
double  v 

References ChemCompt::getChildConcs(), and updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CylMesh::transmitChange ( const Eref e  ) 
void CylMesh::updateCoords ( const Eref e,
const vector< double > &  childConcs 

Recomputes all local coordinate and meshing data following a change in any of the coord parameters

Referenced by setDiffLength(), setR0(), setR1(), setX0(), setX1(), setY0(), setY1(), setZ0(), and setZ1().

double CylMesh::vGetEntireVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Inherited virtual. Returns entire volume of compartment.

Implements ChemCompt.

References getMeshEntryVolume().

Referenced by vSetVolumeNotRates().

Here is the call graph for this function:

const vector< double > & CylMesh::vGetVoxelMidpoint (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual func so that derived classes can return voxel midpoint.

Implements ChemCompt.

const vector< double > & CylMesh::vGetVoxelVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual func so that derived classes can pass voxel volume back.

Implements ChemCompt.

References getMeshEntryVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CylMesh::vSetVolumeNotRates ( double  volume  )  [virtual]

Inherited virtual. Resizes len and dia of each voxel.

Implements ChemCompt.

References vGetEntireVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

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