CubeMesh Class Reference

#include <CubeMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for CubeMesh:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CubeMesh:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CubeMesh ()
 ~CubeMesh ()
void setX0 (double v)
double getX0 () const
void setY0 (double v)
double getY0 () const
void setZ0 (double v)
double getZ0 () const
void setX1 (double v)
double getX1 () const
void setY1 (double v)
double getY1 () const
void setZ1 (double v)
double getZ1 () const
void setDx (double v)
double getDx () const
void setDy (double v)
double getDy () const
void setDz (double v)
double getDz () const
void setNx (unsigned int v)
unsigned int getNx () const
void setNy (unsigned int v)
unsigned int getNy () const
void setNz (unsigned int v)
unsigned int getNz () const
void innerSetCoords (const vector< double > &v)
void setCoords (const Eref &e, vector< double > v)
vector< double > getCoords (const Eref &e) const
void setMeshToSpace (vector< unsigned int > v)
vector< unsigned int > getMeshToSpace () const
void setSpaceToMesh (vector< unsigned int > v)
vector< unsigned int > getSpaceToMesh () const
void setSurface (vector< unsigned int > v)
vector< unsigned int > getSurface () const
unsigned int innerGetDimensions () const
void setIsToroid (bool v)
bool getIsToroid () const
void setPreserveNumEntries (bool v)
bool getPreserveNumEntries () const
void setAlwaysDiffuse (bool v)
bool getAlwaysDiffuse () const
unsigned int getMeshType (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return MeshType of specified entry.
unsigned int getMeshDimensions (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return dimensions of specified entry.
double getMeshEntryVolume (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry.
vector< double > getCoordinates (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry.
vector< double > getDiffusionArea (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area.
vector< double > getDiffusionScaling (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return scale factor for diffusion. 1 here.
double extendedMeshEntryVolume (unsigned int fid) const
 Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry, including.
unsigned int innerGetNumEntries () const
void innerSetNumEntries (unsigned int n)
 Inherited virtual func.
void innerHandleRequestMeshStats (const Eref &e, const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > > *meshStatsFinfo)
void innerHandleNodeInfo (const Eref &e, unsigned int numNodes, unsigned int numThreads)
double vGetEntireVolume () const
 Virtual func to get volume of entire compartment.
void buildMesh (Id geom, double x, double y, double z)
void addStoich (Id stoich)
void innerBuildDefaultMesh (const Eref &e, double volume, unsigned int numEntries)
 Virtual func to make a mesh with specified Volume and numEntries.
bool vSetVolumeNotRates (double volume)
 Virtual func, assigns volume, usually to single voxel.
void updateCoords ()
unsigned int neighbor (unsigned int spaceIndex, int dx, int dy, int dz) const
void transmitChange (const Eref &e, double oldvol)
bool isInsideCuboid (double x, double y, double z) const
bool isInsideSpheroid (double x, double y, double z) const
void matchMeshEntries (const ChemCompt *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
void matchCubeMeshEntries (const CubeMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
void matchCylMeshEntries (const ChemCompt *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
void matchAllEntries (const CubeMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
unsigned int numDims () const
 Utility function for returning # of dimensions in mesh.
void indexToSpace (unsigned int index, double &x, double &y, double &z) const
 Converts the integer meshIndex to spatial coords.
unsigned int spaceToIndex (double x, double y, double z) const
 Converts the 3-D coords to an index. EMPTY if out of range.
double nearest (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int &index) const
int compareMeshSpacing (const CubeMesh *other) const
 Return 0 if spacing same, -1 if self smaller, +1 if self bigger.
void defineIntersection (const CubeMesh *other, double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax, double &zmin, double &zmax) const
 Defines a cuboid volume of intersection between self and other.
void fillTwoDimSurface ()
 Fills surface_ vector with spatial meshIndices for a rectangle.
void fillThreeDimSurface ()
const vector< unsigned int > & surface () const
 Utility and test function to read surface.
vector< unsigned int > getParentVoxel () const
 Inherited virtual, do nothing for now.
const vector< double > & vGetVoxelVolume () const
 Virtual func so that derived classes can pass voxel volume back.
const vector< double > & vGetVoxelMidpoint () const
 Virtual func so that derived classes can return voxel midpoint.
const vector< double > & getVoxelArea () const
const vector< double > & getVoxelLength () const
void buildStencil ()
void fillSpaceToMeshLookup ()
void deriveM2sFromS2m ()
void deriveS2mFromM2s ()
void assignVoxels (vector< pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > &intersect, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax) const
void setDiffScale (const CubeMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
 Assigns diffusion scaling info for the voxel junctions.
void setJunctionVol (const CubeMesh *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const
 Assigns volume info for the voxel junctions.
void updateM2s ()
void updateS2m ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const CinfoinitCinfo ()

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int EMPTY = ~0
static const unsigned int SURFACE = ~1
static const unsigned int ABUTX = ~2
static const unsigned int ABUTY = ~3
static const unsigned int ABUTZ = ~4
static const unsigned int MULTI = ~5

Detailed Description

The CubeMesh represents a chemically identified compartment shaped like a cuboid. This is not really an effective geometry for most neurons because it would have to be rather finely subdivided to fit a typical dendrite or soma volume, but it is general.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CubeMesh::CubeMesh (  ) 

References updateCoords().

Here is the call graph for this function:

CubeMesh::~CubeMesh (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void CubeMesh::addStoich ( Id  stoich  ) 
void CubeMesh::assignVoxels ( vector< pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > &  intersect,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  zmin,
double  zmax 
) const
void CubeMesh::buildMesh ( Id  geom,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Referenced by initCinfo().

void CubeMesh::buildStencil (  ) 

Sets up the stencil that defines how to combine neighboring mesh elements to set up the diffusion du/dt term, using the method of lines. This is a very general function. It uses the information in the m2s_ and s2m_ vectors to work out the adjacency matrix. So we could use an arbitrary 3-D image to define the diffusive volume and boundaries using m2s_ and s2m_. We could also use geometric shapes through the fillSpaceToMeshLookup() function, which is currently a dummy and just does a cuboid.

References MeshCompt::addRow(), EMPTY, MeshCompt::innerResetStencil(), q, and MeshCompt::setStencilSize().

Referenced by deriveM2sFromS2m(), deriveS2mFromM2s(), and updateCoords().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CubeMesh::compareMeshSpacing ( const CubeMesh other  )  const

Return 0 if spacing same, -1 if self smaller, +1 if self bigger.

References doubleApprox().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::defineIntersection ( const CubeMesh other,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
double &  zmin,
double &  zmax 
) const

Defines a cuboid volume of intersection between self and other.

References swapIfBackward().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::deriveM2sFromS2m (  ) 

Updates the m2s_ vector after s2m_ has been changed, and rebuilds the Stencil too. Any earlier junction information is lost.

References buildStencil(), and EMPTY.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::deriveS2mFromM2s (  ) 

Updates the s2m_ vector after m2s_ has been changed, and rebuilds the Stencil too. Any earlier junction information is lost.

References buildStencil(), and EMPTY.

Here is the call graph for this function:

double CubeMesh::extendedMeshEntryVolume ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry, including.

Utility function to return volume of any voxel including those diffusively coupled and aubtting the present volume.

Reimplemented from MeshCompt.

void CubeMesh::fillSpaceToMeshLookup (  ) 

References EMPTY, isInsideCuboid(), q, and y.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::fillThreeDimSurface (  ) 

Fills surface_ vector with spatial meshIndices for a cuboid, that is, puts the surfaces of the cuboid in the vector.

Referenced by updateCoords().

void CubeMesh::fillTwoDimSurface (  ) 

Fills surface_ vector with spatial meshIndices for a rectangle.

bool CubeMesh::getAlwaysDiffuse (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

vector< double > CubeMesh::getCoordinates ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry.

Virtual function to return coords of mesh Entry. For Cuboid mesh, coords are x1y1z1 x2y2z2

Implements ChemCompt.

vector< double > CubeMesh::getCoords ( const Eref e  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

vector< double > CubeMesh::getDiffusionArea ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area.

Virtual function to return diffusion X-section area for each neighbor.

Implements ChemCompt.

References EMPTY, and neighbor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< double > CubeMesh::getDiffusionScaling ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return scale factor for diffusion. 1 here.

Implements ChemCompt.

double CubeMesh::getDx (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getDy (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getDz (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

bool CubeMesh::getIsToroid (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

unsigned int CubeMesh::getMeshDimensions ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return dimensions of specified entry.

Implements ChemCompt.

Referenced by testCubeMesh(), and testCubeMeshExtendStencil().

double CubeMesh::getMeshEntryVolume ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return volume of mesh Entry.

Implements ChemCompt.

vector< unsigned int > CubeMesh::getMeshToSpace (  )  const
unsigned int CubeMesh::getMeshType ( unsigned int  fid  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function to return MeshType of specified entry.

Implements ChemCompt.

References CUBOID.

Referenced by testCubeMesh(), and testCubeMeshExtendStencil().

unsigned int CubeMesh::getNx (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

unsigned int CubeMesh::getNy (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

unsigned int CubeMesh::getNz (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

vector< unsigned int > CubeMesh::getParentVoxel (  )  const [virtual]

Inherited virtual, do nothing for now.

Implements MeshCompt.

bool CubeMesh::getPreserveNumEntries (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

vector< unsigned int > CubeMesh::getSpaceToMesh (  )  const
vector< unsigned int > CubeMesh::getSurface (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo().

const vector< double > & CubeMesh::getVoxelArea (  )  const [virtual]

Implements MeshCompt.

const vector< double > & CubeMesh::getVoxelLength (  )  const [virtual]

Implements MeshCompt.

double CubeMesh::getX0 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getX1 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getY0 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getY1 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getZ0 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

double CubeMesh::getZ1 (  )  const

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

void CubeMesh::indexToSpace ( unsigned int  index,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 
) const [virtual]

Converts the integer meshIndex to spatial coords.

Implements ChemCompt.

Referenced by nearest().

const Cinfo * CubeMesh::initCinfo (  )  [static]
void CubeMesh::innerBuildDefaultMesh ( const Eref e,
double  volume,
unsigned int  numEntries 
) [virtual]

Virtual func to make a mesh with specified Volume and numEntries.

Builds something as close to a cube as can get. This needs a smarter boundary handling code than I have here. For now, goes for the nearest cube

Implements ChemCompt.

References setCoords().

Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned int CubeMesh::innerGetDimensions (  )  const [virtual]

Implements ChemCompt.

unsigned int CubeMesh::innerGetNumEntries (  )  const [virtual]

Inherited virtual func. Returns number of MeshEntry in array

Implements ChemCompt.

Referenced by testCubeMesh().

void CubeMesh::innerHandleNodeInfo ( const Eref e,
unsigned int  numNodes,
unsigned int  numThreads 
) [virtual]

Generate node decomposition of mesh, send it out along meshSplitFinfo msg

Implements ChemCompt.

void CubeMesh::innerHandleRequestMeshStats ( const Eref e,
const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > > *  meshStatsFinfo 
void CubeMesh::innerSetCoords ( const vector< double > &  v  ) 
void CubeMesh::innerSetNumEntries ( unsigned int  n  )  [virtual]

Inherited virtual func.

Inherited virtual func. Assigns number of MeshEntries.

Implements ChemCompt.

bool CubeMesh::isInsideCuboid ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const

Referenced by fillSpaceToMeshLookup().

bool CubeMesh::isInsideSpheroid ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const
void CubeMesh::matchAllEntries ( const CubeMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const

Dumbed-down version that does mesh matching based only on index. Useful for non-spatial matching and single-voxel systems.

void CubeMesh::matchCubeMeshEntries ( const CubeMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const

Specialization for cube-to-cube mesh matching. Return vector is of pairs of meshIndices (not spatialIndices).

Referenced by testCubeMeshJunctionDiffSizeMesh(), and testCubeMeshJunctionTwoDimSurface().

void CubeMesh::matchCylMeshEntries ( const ChemCompt other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const
void CubeMesh::matchMeshEntries ( const ChemCompt other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const

Key virtual function for generating a map between facing surfaces on a CubeMesh and another ChemCompt

double CubeMesh::nearest ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
unsigned int &  index 
) const [virtual]

Virtual function to return the distance and index of nearest meshEntry. Places entry at centre of voxel.

Implements ChemCompt.

References ChemCompt::distance(), EMPTY, and indexToSpace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned int CubeMesh::neighbor ( unsigned int  spaceIndex,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  dz 
) const

References EMPTY.

Referenced by getDiffusionArea().

unsigned int CubeMesh::numDims (  )  const

Utility function for returning # of dimensions in mesh.

Referenced by testCubeMeshFillTwoDimSurface().

void CubeMesh::setAlwaysDiffuse ( bool  v  ) 

Referenced by initCinfo().

void CubeMesh::setCoords ( const Eref e,
vector< double >  v 

Referenced by initCinfo(), and innerBuildDefaultMesh().

void CubeMesh::setDiffScale ( const CubeMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const

Assigns diffusion scaling info for the voxel junctions.

void CubeMesh::setDx ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setDy ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setDz ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setIsToroid ( bool  v  ) 

Referenced by initCinfo().

void CubeMesh::setJunctionVol ( const CubeMesh other,
vector< VoxelJunction > &  ret 
) const

Assigns volume info for the voxel junctions.

void CubeMesh::setMeshToSpace ( vector< unsigned int >  v  ) 
void CubeMesh::setNx ( unsigned int  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setNy ( unsigned int  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setNz ( unsigned int  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setPreserveNumEntries ( bool  v  ) 
void CubeMesh::setSpaceToMesh ( vector< unsigned int >  v  ) 
void CubeMesh::setSurface ( vector< unsigned int >  v  ) 
void CubeMesh::setX0 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setX1 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setY0 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setY1 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setZ0 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::setZ1 ( double  v  ) 

References updateCoords().

Referenced by initCinfo(), and testCubeMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned int CubeMesh::spaceToIndex ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const

Converts the 3-D coords to an index. EMPTY if out of range.

References EMPTY.

Referenced by fillPointsOnCircle().

const vector< unsigned int > & CubeMesh::surface (  )  const
void CubeMesh::transmitChange ( const Eref e,
double  oldvol 
void CubeMesh::updateCoords (  ) 

Recomputes all local coordinate and meshing data following a change in any of the coord parameters

This assumes that dx, dy, dz are the quantities to preserve, over numEntries. So when the compartment changes volume, so does numEntries. dx, dy, dz do not change, some of the sub-cuboids will partially be outside.

Temporarily fill out the whole cube for m2s and s2m. These

References buildStencil(), fillThreeDimSurface(), and swapIfBackward().

Referenced by CubeMesh(), setDx(), setDy(), setDz(), setNx(), setNy(), setNz(), setX0(), setX1(), setY0(), setY1(), setZ0(), and setZ1().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CubeMesh::updateM2s (  ) 
void CubeMesh::updateS2m (  ) 
double CubeMesh::vGetEntireVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual func to get volume of entire compartment.

Implements ChemCompt.

Referenced by vSetVolumeNotRates().

const vector< double > & CubeMesh::vGetVoxelMidpoint (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual func so that derived classes can return voxel midpoint.

Implements ChemCompt.

const vector< double > & CubeMesh::vGetVoxelVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual func so that derived classes can pass voxel volume back.

Implements ChemCompt.

bool CubeMesh::vSetVolumeNotRates ( double  volume  )  [virtual]

Virtual func, assigns volume, usually to single voxel.

Implements ChemCompt.

References vGetEntireVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

const unsigned int CubeMesh::ABUTX = ~2 [static]
const unsigned int CubeMesh::ABUTY = ~3 [static]

Referenced by checkAbut(), and setIntersectVoxel().

const unsigned int CubeMesh::ABUTZ = ~4 [static]

Referenced by checkAbut(), and setIntersectVoxel().

const unsigned int CubeMesh::EMPTY = ~0 [static]
const unsigned int CubeMesh::MULTI = ~5 [static]
const unsigned int CubeMesh::SURFACE = ~1 [static]

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Generated on 1 Jul 2015 for MOOSE by  doxygen 1.6.1