HSolve Implementation


This page documents the internals of HSolve, i.e. the data structures and working of the HSolve class and its base classes. This document is meant to serve as a reference for anyone who wants to get a better understanding of how to interface with existing data structures of HSolve, or who wants to extend the existing code.

Getting to HSolve

Where are the entry points into HSolve? (from the python scripting perspective)

  1. The first entry point is, of course, when the HSolve object is created from python, with some path. This calls the HSolve constructor, but is otherwise innocuous.

  2. The second entry point, and the more important one as far as setup is concerned, is the HSolve::setup function which gets called as soon as the target field of the HSolve object (in python) is set. This is evident in the definition of the HSolve::setPath function. HSolve::setup is where the matrix for the corresponding compartment gets set up, by walking through the dendritic tree and collecting the various compartment elements. Following this, the fields of HSolveActive get populated, such as the HHChannels, gates, Calcium-dependent channels and synapses. Lastly, outgoing messages are redirected as required. The setup process will be elaborated upon shortly.

  3. The third entry point is the moose.reinit() call, which automatically calls a series of reinit functions within hsolve, starting with HSolve::reinit. The reinit call basically resets the simulation to start from the beginning (all updated values are discarded and values are reinitialized). The various calls from reinit are once again explained in detail further below.

  4. The last entry point, and where the actual work starts is moose.start( sim_dt ), which triggers the calling of HSolveActive::step (via HSolve::process) repeatedly. This is where the actual simulation happens.

HSolve classes and members

Hines Matrix Setup and Data Members

For setup, I'm going to take a bottom-up approach, and start with the Hines Matrix itself: how it is organized as a data structure and how it is accessed in the HSolve code. In order to do this, I'm first going to talk about the Hines method itself.

There are a few more data members of the HinesMatrix class that have not yet been discussed. These are:

HSolvePassive methods

HSolvePassive has methods that enable it to build up the compartment network of the neuron by inspecting the messaging strucutre. A path into the compartment network has to be supplied for each neuron. The building of the tree is accomplished by the following three methods:

Once the tree has been setup, it is given as a parameter to HinesMatrix which then creates the matrix out of it.

HSolvePassive also contains methods to perform integration in a single-time step (backward Euler). This comprises the stages of Gaussian elimination:

HSolveActive setup and data members

HSolveActive inherits from HinesMatrix via HSolvePassive. While HinesMatrix has methods to build up the matrix and HSolvePassive has methods to solve the matrix, HSolveActive has data and methods that allow it to manipulate channels. The three key methods involved are:

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