XferInfo Class Reference

#include <XferInfo.h>

Collaboration diagram for XferInfo:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 XferInfo (Id ks)

Public Attributes

vector< double > values
vector< double > lastValues
vector< double > subzero
vector< unsigned int > xferPoolIdx
vector< unsigned int > xferVoxel
Id ksolve

Detailed Description

Utility class holding the information required for setting up the data transfers needed on each timestep for the cross-solver reactions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XferInfo::XferInfo ( Id  ks  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

Id of Ksolve that particpates in this set of cross-compartment reactions with self. This is used to identify with XferInfo to use for a given incoming message.

Referenced by Ksolve::initProc(), Gsolve::initProc(), Ksolve::initReinit(), and Gsolve::initReinit().

vector< double > XferInfo::lastValues

Vector of the pool.n values participating in cross-compartment reactions. Retains the value from previous clock tick.

Referenced by Ksolve::initReinit(), Gsolve::initReinit(), Ksolve::process(), Gsolve::process(), Ksolve::reinit(), Gsolve::reinit(), and GssaVoxelPools::xferIn().

vector< double > XferInfo::subzero

Vector of cases where last transfer in led to a negative concentration. Track the negative value for correction in the next cycle should the remainder become positive.

Referenced by GssaVoxelPools::xferIn().

vector< double > XferInfo::values

Vector of the pool.n values participating in cross-compartment reactions. Latest values that have just come in.

Referenced by Ksolve::process(), Ksolve::reinit(), Gsolve::reinit(), and GssaVoxelPools::xferIn().

vector< unsigned int > XferInfo::xferPoolIdx

Vector of the internal indices of pools involved in cross- compartment reactions.

Referenced by Ksolve::initProc(), Gsolve::initProc(), Ksolve::initReinit(), Gsolve::initReinit(), Ksolve::process(), Gsolve::process(), Ksolve::reinit(), Gsolve::reinit(), and GssaVoxelPools::xferIn().

vector< unsigned int > XferInfo::xferVoxel

Vector of voxels that particpate in junctions with the communicating ksolve. This is a subset of the total number of voxels.

Referenced by Ksolve::initProc(), Gsolve::initProc(), Ksolve::initReinit(), Gsolve::initReinit(), Ksolve::process(), Gsolve::process(), Ksolve::reinit(), and Gsolve::reinit().

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