mesh/Stencil.cpp File Reference

#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include "Stencil.h"
Include dependency graph for Stencil.cpp:


void stencil1 (vector< double > &f, int index, unsigned int n, double invSq, const vector< vector< double > > &S, const vector< double > &diffConst)
void stencilN (vector< double > &f, int index, unsigned int n, int offset, double invSq, const vector< vector< double > > &S, const vector< double > &diffConst)

Function Documentation

void stencil1 ( vector< double > &  f,
int  index,
unsigned int  n,
double  invSq,
const vector< vector< double > > &  S,
const vector< double > &  diffConst 
void stencilN ( vector< double > &  f,
int  index,
unsigned int  n,
int  offset,
double  invSq,
const vector< vector< double > > &  S,
const vector< double > &  diffConst 

f is the flux vector, returned to caller index is the meshIndex being computed n is the number of mesh entries in this stencil. It is nx for the x axis and nx*ny for the y axis. offset is the stencil displacement: 1 for the x axis, nx for the y axis, doesn't apply for the z axis as that will be done using stencil1. invSq is 1/dx for the x axis, 1/dy for the y axis, and so on. S is the matrix of [meshEntries][pools] diffConst is the vector of [pools]

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