Source code for startstop

# --- 
# Filename:
# Description: 
# Author: 
# Maintainer: 
# Created: Sun Jul  1 13:42:28 2012 (+0530)
# Version: 
# Last-Updated: Sun Jul  1 14:41:34 2012 (+0530)
#           By: subha
#     Update #: 62
# URL: 
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
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# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

import pylab
import moose
[docs]def main(): """ This demo shows how to start, stop, and continue a simulation. This is commonly done when we want to run a model till settling, then change a parameter or deliver a stimulus, and then continue the simulation. Here, the model is just the output of a PulseGen object which generates periodic pulses. The demo shows how to start the simulation. using the *moose.reinit* command to reset the model to its initial state, and *moose.start* command to run the model for the specified duration. We issue multiple *moose.start* commands and do different things to the model between them. First, we change the delay of the pulseGen. Then we show a number of ways to assign the timestep (dt) to the table object in the simulation. Note that throughout this simulation the pulsegen is going at a uniform rate, it is just being sampled by the output table at different intervals. """ dt = 0.1 steps = 100 simtime = dt * steps # Pulsegen is on tick 0, we can pre-emptively set its dt. moose.setClock(0, dt) table = setup_model() pulse = moose.element( '/model/pulse' ) # The 'tick' field is on every object, we can use this to set its dt. moose.setClock( table.tick, dt ) moose.reinit() clock = moose.element('/clock') print dt print 'dt = ', dt, ', Total simulation time = ', simtime print 'Running simulation for', simtime, 'seconds' moose.start( simtime ) print 'Simulator time:', clock.currentTime # Here we change the pulse delay and then run again. pulse.delay[0] = 1.0 moose.start( simtime ) # We change the table tick and use a different dt for it: table.tick = 2 moose.setClock( table.tick, dt * 2 ) moose.start( simtime ) # Here is yet another way to change clocks used by the table moose.useClock( 9, '/model/pulse/tab', 'process' ) print table.tick moose.setClock( 9, dt / 2.0 ) moose.start( simtime ) # Finally, here we change the pulse delay to 1 second and run again. print 'Simulator time at end of simulation', clock.currentTime pylab.plot(pylab.linspace(0, clock.currentTime, len(table.vector)), table.vector)
def setup_model(): model_container = moose.Neutral('/model') pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse') pulse.level[0] = 1.0 pulse.delay[0] = 0.5 pulse.width[0] = 0.5 table = moose.Table('%s/tab' % (pulse.path)) moose.connect(table, 'requestOut', pulse, 'getOutputValue') return table if __name__ == '__main__': main()