## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
## Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
## Copyright (C) 2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
## It is made available under the terms of the
## GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
## See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
import math
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import moose
[docs]def makeModel():
This example illustrates how to set up a oscillatory Turing pattern
in 1-D using reaction diffusion calculations.
Reaction system is::
s ---a---> a // s goes to a, catalyzed by a.
s ---a---> b // s goes to b, catalyzed by a.
a ---b---> s // a goes to s, catalyzed by b.
b -------> s // b is degraded irreversibly to s.
in sum, **a** has a positive feedback onto itself and also forms **b**.
**b** has a negative feedback onto **a**.
Finally, the diffusion constant for **a** is 1/10 that of **b**.
This chemical system is present in a 1-dimensional (cylindrical)
compartment. The entire reaction-diffusion system is set up
within the script.
# create container for model
r0 = 1e-6 # m
r1 = 1e-6 # m
num = 100
diffLength = 1e-6 # m
len = num * diffLength # m
diffConst = 5e-12 # m^2/sec
motorRate = 1e-6 # m/sec
concA = 1 # millimolar
dt4 = 0.02 # for the diffusion
dt5 = 0.2 # for the reaction
model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
compartment = moose.CylMesh( '/model/compartment' )
compartment.r0 = r0
compartment.r1 = r1
compartment.x0 = 0
compartment.x1 = len
compartment.diffLength = diffLength
assert( compartment.numDiffCompts == num )
# create molecules and reactions
a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
s = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/s' )
e1 = moose.MMenz( '/model/compartment/e1' )
e2 = moose.MMenz( '/model/compartment/e2' )
e3 = moose.MMenz( '/model/compartment/e3' )
r1 = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/r1' )
moose.connect( e1, 'sub', s, 'reac' )
moose.connect( e1, 'prd', a, 'reac' )
moose.connect( a, 'nOut', e1, 'enzDest' )
e1.Km = 1
e1.kcat = 1
moose.connect( e2, 'sub', s, 'reac' )
moose.connect( e2, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
moose.connect( a, 'nOut', e2, 'enzDest' )
e2.Km = 1
e2.kcat = 0.5
moose.connect( e3, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
moose.connect( e3, 'prd', s, 'reac' )
moose.connect( b, 'nOut', e3, 'enzDest' )
e3.Km = 0.1
e3.kcat = 1
moose.connect( r1, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
moose.connect( r1, 'prd', s, 'reac' )
r1.Kf = 0.3 # 1/sec
r1.Kb = 0 # 1/sec
# Assign parameters
a.diffConst = diffConst/10
b.diffConst = diffConst
s.diffConst = 0
# Make solvers
ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/model/compartment/ksolve' )
dsolve = moose.Dsolve( '/model/dsolve' )
# Set up clocks. The dsolver to know before assigning stoich
moose.setClock( 4, dt4 )
moose.setClock( 5, dt5 )
moose.useClock( 4, '/model/dsolve', 'process' )
# Ksolve must be scheduled after dsolve.
moose.useClock( 5, '/model/compartment/ksolve', 'process' )
stoich = moose.Stoich( '/model/compartment/stoich' )
stoich.compartment = compartment
stoich.ksolve = ksolve
stoich.dsolve = dsolve
stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##"
assert( dsolve.numPools == 3 )
a.vec.concInit = [0.1]*num
a.vec[0].concInit *= 1.2 # slight perturbation at one end.
b.vec.concInit = [0.1]*num
s.vec.concInit = [1]*num
def displayPlots():
a = moose.element( '/model/compartment/a' )
b = moose.element( '/model/compartment/b' )
pos = numpy.arange( 0, a.vec.conc.size, 1 )
pylab.plot( pos, a.vec.conc, label='a' )
pylab.plot( pos, b.vec.conc, label='b' )
def main():
runtime = 400
displayInterval = 2
dsolve = moose.element( '/model/dsolve' )
#moose.start( runtime ) # Run the model for 10 seconds.
a = moose.element( '/model/compartment/a' )
b = moose.element( '/model/compartment/b' )
s = moose.element( '/model/compartment/s' )
img = mpimg.imread( 'turingPatternTut.png' )
#imgplot = plt.imshow( img )
fig = plt.figure( figsize=(12,10) )
png = fig.add_subplot(211)
imgplot = plt.imshow( img )
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax.set_ylim( 0, 0.5 )
plt.ylabel( 'Conc (mM)' )
plt.xlabel( 'Position along cylinder (microns)' )
pos = numpy.arange( 0, a.vec.conc.size, 1 )
line1, = ax.plot( pos, a.vec.conc, label='a' )
line2, = ax.plot( pos, b.vec.conc, label='b' )
timeLabel = plt.text(60, 0.4, 'time = 0')
for t in range( displayInterval, runtime, displayInterval ):
moose.start( displayInterval )
line1.set_ydata( a.vec.conc )
line2.set_ydata( b.vec.conc )
timeLabel.set_text( "time = %d" % t )
print( "Hit 'enter' to exit" )
# Run the 'main' if this script is executed standalone.
if __name__ == '__main__':