Source code for STG_net

## Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, 2013

Stomatogastric ganglion Central Pattern Generator:
 generates pyloric rhythm of the lobster

Network model translated from:
Prinz, Bucher, Marder, Nature Neuroscience, 2004;
STG neuron models translated from:
Prinz, Billimoria, Marder, J.Neurophys., 2003.

Translated into MOOSE by Aditya Gilra, Bangalore, 2013, revised 2014.

#import os
#os.environ['NUMPTHREADS'] = '1'
import sys

import moose
from moose.utils import *
from moose.neuroml.NeuroML import NeuroML

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

simdt = 25e-6 # s
plotdt = 25e-6 # s
runtime = 10.0 # s
cells_path = '/cells' # neuromlR.readNeuroMLFromFile creates cells in '/cells'

[docs]def loadRunSTGNeuroML_L123(filename): 'Loads and runs the pyloric rhythm generator from NeuroML files.' # for graded synapses, else NeuroML event-based are used from load_synapses import load_synapses moose.Neutral('/library') # set graded to False to use event based synapses # if False, neuroml event-based synapses get searched for and loaded # True to load graded synapses graded_syn = True #graded_syn = False if graded_syn: load_synapses() neuromlR = NeuroML() ## readNeuroMLFromFile below returns: # This returns # populationDict = { # 'populationname1':('cellName',{('instanceid1'):moosecell, ... }) # , ... # } # (cellName and instanceid are strings, mooosecell is a moose.Neuron object instance) # and # projectionDict = { # 'projName1':('source','target',[('syn_name1','pre_seg_path','post_seg_path') # ,...]) # , ... # } populationDict, projectionDict = \ neuromlR.readNeuroMLFromFile(filename) soma1_path = populationDict['AB_PD'][1][0].path+'/Soma_0' soma1Vm = setupTable('somaVm',moose.Compartment(soma1_path),'Vm') soma2_path = populationDict['LP'][1][0].path+'/Soma_0' soma2Vm = setupTable('somaVm',moose.Compartment(soma2_path),'Vm') soma3_path = populationDict['PY'][1][0].path+'/Soma_0' soma3Vm = setupTable('somaVm',moose.Compartment(soma3_path),'Vm') # monitor channel current channel_path = soma1_path + '/KCa_STG' channel_Ik = setupTable('KCa_Ik',moose.element(channel_path),'Ik') # monitor Ca capool_path = soma1_path + '/CaPool_STG' capool_Ca = setupTable('CaPool_Ca',moose.element(capool_path),'Ca') # monitor synaptic current soma2 = moose.element(soma2_path) print "Children of",soma2_path,"are:" for child in soma2.children: print child.className, child.path if graded_syn: syn_path = soma2_path+'/DoubExpSyn_Ach__cells-0-_AB_PD_0-0-_Soma_0' syn = moose.element(syn_path) else: syn_path = soma2_path+'/DoubExpSyn_Ach' syn = moose.element(syn_path) syn_Ik = setupTable('DoubExpSyn_Ach_Ik',syn,'Ik') print "Reinit MOOSE ... " resetSim(['/elec',cells_path], simdt, plotdt, simmethod='hsolve') print "Using graded synapses? = ", graded_syn print "Running model filename = ",filename," ... " moose.start(runtime) tvec = np.arange(0.0,runtime+2*plotdt,plotdt) tvec = tvec[ : soma1Vm.vector.size ] fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w',figsize=(10,6)) axA = plt.subplot2grid((3,2),(0,0),rowspan=3,colspan=1,frameon=False) img = plt.imread( 'STG.png' ) imgplot = axA.imshow( img ) for tick in axA.get_xticklines(): tick.set_visible(False) for tick in axA.get_yticklines(): tick.set_visible(False) axA.set_xticklabels([]) axA.set_yticklabels([]) ax = plt.subplot2grid((3,2),(0,1),rowspan=1,colspan=1) ax.plot(tvec,soma1Vm.vector*1000,label='AB_PD',color='g',linestyle='solid') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel('AB_PD (mV)') ax = plt.subplot2grid((3,2),(1,1),rowspan=1,colspan=1) ax.plot(tvec,soma2Vm.vector*1000,label='LP',color='r',linestyle='solid') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel('LP (mV)') ax = plt.subplot2grid((3,2),(2,1),rowspan=1,colspan=1) ax.plot(tvec,soma3Vm.vector*1000,label='PY',color='b',linestyle='solid') ax.set_ylabel('PY (mV)') ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') fig.tight_layout() fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w') plt.plot(tvec,soma2Vm.vector*1000,label='LP',color='r',linestyle='solid') plt.plot(tvec,soma3Vm.vector*1000,label='PY',color='b',linestyle='solid') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Soma Vm (mV)') plt.figure(facecolor='w') plt.plot(tvec,channel_Ik.vector,color='b',linestyle='solid') plt.title('KCa current; Ca conc') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Ik (Amp)') plt.twinx() plt.plot(tvec,capool_Ca.vector,color='r',linestyle='solid') plt.ylabel('Ca (mol/m^3)') plt.figure(facecolor='w') plt.plot(tvec,syn_Ik.vector,color='b',linestyle='solid') plt.title('Ach syn current in '+soma2_path) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Isyn (S)') print "Showing plots ..."
filename = "" if __name__ == "__main__": ''' Inside the Demos/neuroml/lobster_ploric/ directory supplied with MOOSE, run ``python`` (other channels and morph xml files are already present in this same directory). read the pdf documentation for a tutorial by Aditya Gilra. ''' if len(sys.argv)>=2: filename = sys.argv[1] loadRunSTGNeuroML_L123(filename)