Source code for ExcInhNet_HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014

#!/usr/bin/env python
#** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
#** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
#**           Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
#** It is made available under the terms of the
#** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
#** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.

This LIF network with Ca plasticity is based on:
    David Higgins, Michael Graupner, Nicolas Brunel
    Memory Maintenance in Synapses with Calcium-Based
    Plasticity in the Presence of Background Activity
    PLOS Computational Biology, 2014.

Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.

This uses the Ca-based plasticity rule of:  
    Graupner, Michael, and Nicolas Brunel. 2012.
    Calcium-Based Plasticity Model Explains Sensitivity of Synaptic Changes to Spike Pattern, Rate, and Dendritic Location.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, February, 201109359.
The Ca-based bistable synapse has been implemented as the GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler class.

## import modules and functions to be used
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import time
import moose

np.random.seed(100) # set seed for reproducibility of simulations
random.seed(100) # set seed for reproducibility of simulations
moose.seed(100) # set seed for reproducibility of simulations

# All parameters as per:
# David Higgins, Michael Graupner, Nicolas Brunel
#     Memory Maintenance in Synapses with Calcium-Based
#     Plasticity in the Presence of Background Activity
#     PLOS Computational Biology, 2014.

# Neuron model

# equation: dv/dt = (1/taum)*(-(v-el)) + inp
# with spike when v>vt, reset to vr

el = -70e-3  #V         # Resting potential
vt = -50e-3  #V         # Spiking threshold
Rm = 20e6    #Ohm       # Only taum is needed, but LIF neuron accepts 
Cm = 1e-9    #F         # Rm and Cm and constructs taum=Rm*Cm
taum = Rm*Cm #s         # Membrane time constant is 20 ms
vr = -60e-3  #V         # Reset potential
Iinject = 10e-3/Rm      # constant current injection into LIF neuron
                        # same as setting el=-70+15=-55 mV and inp=0
noiseInj = True         # inject noisy current into each cell: boolean
noiseInjSD = 5e-3/Rm #A # SD of noise added to 'current'
                        # SD*sqrt(taum) is used as noise current SD

# Network parameters: numbers

N = 1000          # Total number of neurons
fexc = 0.8        # Fraction of exc neurons
NE = int(fexc*N)  # Number of excitatory cells
NI = N-NE         # Number of inhibitory cells 

# Simulation parameters

simtime = 1.0     #s # Simulation time
dt = 1e-3         #s # time step

# Network parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)

## With each presynaptic spike in exc / inh neuron,
## J / -g*J is added to post-synaptic Vm -- delta-fn synapse
## Since LIF neuron used below is derived from Compartment class,
## conductance-based synapses (SynChan class) can also be used.

C = 100           # Number of incoming connections on each neuron (exc or inh)
fC = fexc         # fraction fC incoming connections are exc, rest inhibitory
J = 0.2e-3 #V     # exc strength is J (in V as we add to voltage)
                  # Critical J is ~ 0.45e-3 V in paper for N = 10000, C = 1000
                  # See what happens for J = 0.2e-3 V versus J = 0.8e-3 V
g = 4.0           # -gJ is the inh strength. For exc-inh balance g >~ f(1-f)=4
syndelay = dt     # synaptic delay:
refrT = 0.0 # s   # absolute refractory time

# Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)

CaPlasticity = True    # set it True or False to turn on/off plasticity
tauCa = 22.6936e-3      # s # Ca decay time scale
tauSyn = 346.3615       # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
## in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
CaPre = 0.56175         # mM
CaPost = 1.2964         # mM
## in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
#CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
#CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
delayD = 4.6098e-3      # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
                        # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
gammaD = 331.909        # factor for depression term
gammaP = 725.085        # factor for potentiation term

eqWeight = 0.5          # initial synaptic weight
                        # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
                        # but see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears

bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
noisy = True           # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
noiseSD = 3.3501        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)
#noiseSD = 0.1           # if bistable==False, use a smaller noise than in Higgins et al 2014

# Exc-Inh network base class without connections

[docs]class ExcInhNetBase: """Simulates and plots LIF neurons (exc and inh separate). """ def __init__(self,N=N,fexc=fexc,el=el,vt=vt,Rm=Rm,Cm=Cm,vr=vr,\ refrT=refrT,Iinject=Iinject): """ Constructor of the class """ self.N = N # Total number of neurons self.fexc = fexc # Fraction of exc neurons self.NmaxExc = int(fexc*N) # max idx of exc neurons, rest inh self.el = el # Resting potential self.vt = vt # Spiking threshold self.taum = taum # Membrane time constant self.vr = vr # Reset potential self.refrT = refrT # Absolute refractory period self.Rm = Rm # Membrane resistance self.Cm = Cm # Membrane capacitance self.Iinject = Iinject # constant input current self.noiseInjSD = noiseInjSD # SD of injected noise self.simif = False # whether the simulation is complete self._setup_network() def __str__(self): return "LIF network of %d neurons "\ "having %d exc." % (self.N,self.NmaxExc) def _setup_network(self): """Sets up the network (_init_network is enough)""" = moose.LIF( 'network', self.N ); moose.le( '/network' ) = self.el = self.vt = self.refrT = self.Rm = self.vr = self.Cm if not noiseInj: = self.Iinject else: ## inject a constant + noisy current ## values are set in self.simulate() self.noiseTables = moose.StimulusTable('noiseTables',self.N) moose.connect( self.noiseTables, 'output', \, 'setInject', 'OneToOne') def _init_network(self,v0=el): """Initialises the network variables before simulation""" = v0 def simulate(self,simtime=simtime,dt=dt,plotif=False,**kwargs): self.dt = dt self.simtime = simtime self.T = np.ceil(simtime/dt) self.trange = np.arange(0,self.simtime,dt) for i in range(self.N): if noiseInj: ## Gaussian white noise SD added every dt interval should be ## divided by sqrt(dt), as the later numerical integration ## will multiply it by dt. ## See the Euler-Maruyama method, numerical integration in ## self.noiseTables.vec[i].vector = self.Iinject + \ np.random.normal( \ scale=self.noiseInjSD*np.sqrt(self.Rm*self.Cm/self.dt), \ size=self.T ) # scale = SD self.noiseTables.vec[i].stepSize = 0 # use current time # as x value for interpolation self.noiseTables.vec[i].stopTime = self.simtime self._init_network(**kwargs) if plotif: self._init_plots() # moose simulation moose.useClock( 1, '/network', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 2, '/plotSpikes', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 3, '/plotVms', 'process' ) if CaPlasticity: moose.useClock( 3, '/plotWeights', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 3, '/plotCa', 'process' ) moose.setClock( 0, dt ) moose.setClock( 1, dt ) moose.setClock( 2, dt ) moose.setClock( 3, dt ) moose.setClock( 9, dt ) t1 = time.time() print 'reinit MOOSE -- takes a while ~20s.' moose.reinit() print 'reinit time t = ', time.time() - t1 t1 = time.time() print 'starting' moose.start(self.simtime) print 'runtime, t = ', time.time() - t1 if plotif: self._plot() def _init_plots(self): ## make a few tables to store a few Vm-s numVms = 10 self.plots = moose.Table( '/plotVms', numVms ) ## draw numVms out of N neurons nrnIdxs = random.sample(range(self.N),numVms) for i in range( numVms ): moose.connect([nrnIdxs[i]], 'VmOut', \ self.plots.vec[i], 'input') ## make self.N tables to store spikes of all neurons self.spikes = moose.Table( '/plotSpikes', self.N ) moose.connect(, 'spikeOut', \ self.spikes, 'input', 'OneToOne' ) ## make 2 tables to store spikes of all exc and all inh neurons self.spikesExc = moose.Table( '/plotSpikesAllExc' ) for i in range(self.NmaxExc): moose.connect([i], 'spikeOut', \ self.spikesExc, 'input' ) self.spikesInh = moose.Table( '/plotSpikesAllInh' ) for i in range(self.NmaxExc,self.N): moose.connect([i], 'spikeOut', \ self.spikesInh, 'input' ) def _plot(self): """ plots the spike raster for the simulated net""" plt.figure() for i in range(0,self.NmaxExc): if i==0: label = 'Exc. spike trains' else: label = '' spikes = self.spikes.vec[i].vector plt.plot(spikes,[i]*len(spikes),\ 'b.',marker='.',label=label) for i in range(self.NmaxExc,self.N): if i==self.NmaxExc: label = 'Inh. spike trains' else: label = '' spikes = self.spikes.vec[i].vector plt.plot(spikes,[i]*len(spikes),\ 'r.',marker='.',label=label) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Neuron number [#]') plt.xlim([0,self.simtime]) plt.title("%s" % self, fontsize=14,fontweight='bold') plt.legend(loc='upper left') ############################################# # Exc-Inh network class with Ca plasticity based connections # (inherits from ExcInhNetBase) #############################################
[docs]class ExcInhNet(ExcInhNetBase): """ Recurrent network simulation """ def __init__(self,J=J,incC=C,fC=fC,scaleI=g,syndelay=syndelay,**kwargs): """Overloads base (parent) class""" self.J = J # exc connection weight self.incC = incC # number of incoming connections per neuron self.fC = fC # fraction of exc incoming connections self.excC = int(fC*incC)# number of exc incoming connections self.scaleI = scaleI # inh weight is scaleI*J self.syndelay = syndelay# synaptic delay # call the parent class constructor ExcInhNetBase.__init__(self,**kwargs) def __str__(self): return "LIF network of %d neurons "\ "of which %d are exc." % (self.N,self.NmaxExc) def _init_network(self,**args): ExcInhNetBase._init_network(self,**args) def _init_plots(self): ExcInhNetBase._init_plots(self) self.recN = 5 # number of neurons for which to record weights and Ca if CaPlasticity: ## make tables to store weights of recN exc synapses ## for each post-synaptic exc neuron self.weights = moose.Table( '/plotWeights', self.excC*self.recN ) for i in range(self.recN): # range(self.N) is too large for j in range(self.excC): moose.connect( self.weights.vec[self.excC*i+j], 'requestOut', self.synsEE.vec[i*self.excC+j].synapse[0], 'getWeight') self.CaTables = moose.Table( '/plotCa', self.recN ) for i in range(self.recN): # range(self.N) is too large moose.connect( self.CaTables.vec[i], 'requestOut', self.synsEE.vec[i*self.excC+j], 'getCa') def _setup_network(self): ## Set up the neurons without connections ExcInhNetBase._setup_network(self) ## Now, add in the connections... ## Each pre-synaptic spike cause Vm of post-neuron to rise by ## synaptic weight in one time step i.e. delta-fn synapse. ## Since LIF neuron is derived from Compartment class, ## conductance-based synapses (SynChan class) can also be used. ## E to E synapses can be plastic ## Two ways to do this: ## 1) Each LIF neuron has one incoming postsynaptic SynHandler, ## which collects the activation from all presynaptic neurons, ## but then a common Ca pool is used. ## 2) Each LIF neuron has multiple postsyanptic SynHandlers, ## one for each pre-synaptic neuron, i.e. one per synapse, ## then each synapse has a different Ca pool. ## Here we go with option 2) as per Higgins et al 2014 (Brunel private email) ## separate SynHandler per EE synapse, thus NmaxExc*excC if CaPlasticity: self.synsEE = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler( \ '/network/synsEE', self.NmaxExc*self.excC ) else: self.synsEE = moose.SimpleSynHandler( \ '/network/synsEE', self.NmaxExc*self.excC ) moose.useClock( 0, '/network/synsEE', 'process' ) ## I to E synapses are not plastic self.synsIE = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/network/synsIE', self.NmaxExc ) ## all synapses to I neurons are not plastic self.synsI = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/network/synsI', self.N-self.NmaxExc ) ## connect all SynHandlers to their respective neurons for i in range(self.NmaxExc): moose.connect( self.synsIE.vec[i], 'activationOut', \[i], 'activation' ) for i in range(self.NmaxExc,self.N): moose.connect( self.synsI.vec[i-self.NmaxExc], 'activationOut', \[i], 'activation' ) ## Connections from some Exc/Inh neurons to each Exc neuron for i in range(0,self.NmaxExc): self.synsIE.vec[i].numSynapses = self.incC-self.excC ## Connections from some Exc neurons to each Exc neuron ## draw excC number of neuron indices out of NmaxExc neurons preIdxs = random.sample(range(self.NmaxExc),self.excC) ## connect these presynaptically to i-th post-synaptic neuron for synnum,preIdx in enumerate(preIdxs): synidx = i*self.excC+synnum synHand = self.synsEE.vec[synidx] ## connect each synhandler to the post-synaptic neuron moose.connect( synHand, 'activationOut', \[i], 'activation' ) ## important to set numSynapses = 1 for each synHandler, ## doesn't create synapses if you set the full array of SynHandlers synHand.numSynapses = 1 synij = synHand.synapse[0] connectExcId = moose.connect([preIdx], \ 'spikeOut', synij, 'addSpike') synij.delay = syndelay if CaPlasticity: ## set parameters for the Ca Plasticity SynHandler ## have to be set for each SynHandler ## doesn't set for full array at a time synHand.CaInit = 0.0 synHand.tauCa = tauCa synHand.tauSyn = tauSyn synHand.CaPre = CaPre synHand.CaPost = CaPost synHand.delayD = delayD synHand.thetaD = thetaD synHand.thetaP = thetaP synHand.gammaD = gammaD synHand.gammaP = gammaP synHand.weightMax = 1.0 # bounds on the weight synHand.weightMin = 0.0 synHand.weightScale = \ self.J*2.0 # 0.2 mV, weight*weightScale is activation # typically weight <~ 0.5, so activation <~ J synHand.noisy = noisy synHand.noiseSD = noiseSD synHand.bistable = bistable moose.connect([i], \ 'spikeOut', synHand, 'addPostSpike') synij.weight = eqWeight # activation = weight*weightScale # weightScale = 2*J # weight <~ 0.5 ## Randomly set 5% of them to be 1.0 if np.random.uniform()<0.05: synij.weight = 1.0 else: synij.weight = self.J # no weightScale here, activation = weight ## Connections from some Inh neurons to each Exc neuron ## draw inhC=incC-excC number of neuron indices out of inhibitory neurons preIdxs = random.sample(range(self.NmaxExc,self.N),self.incC-self.excC) ## connect these presynaptically to i-th post-synaptic neuron for synnum,preIdx in enumerate(preIdxs): synij = self.synsIE.vec[i].synapse[synnum] connectInhId = moose.connect([preIdx], \ 'spikeOut', synij, 'addSpike') synij.delay = syndelay synij.weight = -self.scaleI*self.J # activation = weight ## Connections from some Exc/Inh neurons to each Inh neuron for i in range(self.N-self.NmaxExc): ## each neuron has incC number of synapses self.synsI.vec[i].numSynapses = self.incC ## draw excC number of neuron indices out of NmaxExc neurons preIdxs = random.sample(range(self.NmaxExc),self.excC) ## connect these presynaptically to i-th post-synaptic neuron for synnum,preIdx in enumerate(preIdxs): synij = self.synsI.vec[i].synapse[synnum] connectExcId = moose.connect([preIdx], \ 'spikeOut', synij, 'addSpike') synij.delay = syndelay synij.weight = self.J # activation = weight ## draw inhC=incC-excC number of neuron indices out of inhibitory neurons preIdxs = random.sample(range(self.NmaxExc,self.N),self.incC-self.excC) ## connect these presynaptically to i-th post-synaptic neuron for synnum,preIdx in enumerate(preIdxs): synij = self.synsI.vec[i].synapse[ self.excC + synnum ] connectInhId = moose.connect([preIdx], \ 'spikeOut', synij, 'addSpike') synij.delay = syndelay synij.weight = -self.scaleI*self.J # activation = weight moose.useClock( 0, '/network/synsIE', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 0, '/network/synsI', 'process' ) ############################################# # Analysis functions #############################################
[docs]def rate_from_spiketrain(spiketimes,fulltime,dt,tau=50e-3): """ Returns a rate series of spiketimes convolved with a Gaussian kernel; all times must be in SI units. """ sigma = tau/2. ## normalized Gaussian kernel, integral with dt is normed to 1 ## to count as 1 spike smeared over a finite interval norm_factor = 1./(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*sigma) gauss_kernel = np.array([norm_factor*np.exp(-x**2/(2.*sigma**2))\ for x in np.arange(-5.*sigma,5.*sigma+dt,dt)]) kernel_len = len(gauss_kernel) ## need to accommodate half kernel_len on either side of fulltime rate_full = np.zeros(int(fulltime/dt)+kernel_len) for spiketime in spiketimes: idx = int(spiketime/dt) rate_full[idx:idx+kernel_len] += gauss_kernel ## only the middle fulltime part of the rate series ## This is already in Hz, ## since should have multiplied by dt for above convolution ## and divided by dt to get a rate, so effectively not doing either. return rate_full[kernel_len/2:kernel_len/2+int(fulltime/dt)] ############################################# # Make plots #############################################
def extra_plots(net): ## extra plots apart from the spike rasters ## individual neuron Vm-s plt.figure() plt.plot(net.trange,net.plots.vec[0].vector[0:len(net.trange)]) plt.plot(net.trange,net.plots.vec[1].vector[0:len(net.trange)]) plt.plot(net.trange,net.plots.vec[2].vector[0:len(net.trange)]) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Vm (V)') plt.title("Vm-s of 3 LIF neurons (spike = reset).") timeseries = net.trange ## individual neuron firing rates fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(221) num_to_plot = 10 #rates = [] for nrni in range(num_to_plot): rate = rate_from_spiketrain(\ net.spikes.vec[nrni].vector,simtime,dt) plt.plot(timeseries,rate) plt.title("Rates of "+str(num_to_plot)+" exc nrns") plt.ylabel("Hz") plt.ylim(0,100) plt.subplot(222) for nrni in range(num_to_plot): rate = rate_from_spiketrain(\ net.spikes.vec[net.NmaxExc+nrni].vector,simtime,dt) plt.plot(timeseries,rate) plt.title("Rates of "+str(num_to_plot)+" inh nrns") plt.ylim(0,100) ## population firing rates plt.subplot(223) rate = rate_from_spiketrain(net.spikesExc.vector,simtime,dt)\ /float(net.NmaxExc) # per neuron plt.plot(timeseries,rate) plt.ylim(0,100) plt.title("Exc population rate") plt.ylabel("Hz") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.subplot(224) rate = rate_from_spiketrain(net.spikesInh.vector,simtime,dt)\ /float(net.N-net.NmaxExc) # per neuron plt.plot(timeseries,rate) plt.ylim(0,100) plt.title("Inh population rate") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") fig.tight_layout() ## Ca plasticity: weight vs time plots if CaPlasticity: ## Ca versus time in post-synaptic neurons plt.figure() for i in range(net.recN): # range(net.N) is too large plt.plot(timeseries,\ net.CaTables.vec[i].vector[:len(timeseries)]) plt.title("Evolution of Ca in some neurons") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("Ca (mM)") plt.figure() for i in range(net.recN): # range(net.N) is too large for j in range(net.excC): plt.plot(timeseries,\ net.weights.vec[net.excC*i+j].vector[:len(timeseries)]) plt.title("Evolution of some efficacies") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("Efficacy") ## all EE weights are used for a histogram weights = [ net.synsEE.vec[i*net.excC+j].synapse[0].weight \ for i in range(net.NmaxExc) for j in range(net.excC) ] plt.figure() plt.hist(weights, bins=100) plt.title("Histogram of efficacies") plt.xlabel("Efficacy (arb)") plt.ylabel("# per bin") if __name__=='__main__': ## ExcInhNetBase has unconnected neurons, ## ExcInhNet connects them ## Instantiate either ExcInhNetBase or ExcInhNet below #net = ExcInhNetBase(N=N) net = ExcInhNet(N=N) print net ## Important to distribute the initial Vm-s ## else weak coupling gives periodic synchronous firing net.simulate(simtime,plotif=True,\ v0=np.random.uniform(el-20e-3,vt,size=N)) extra_plots(net)