ZombiePoolInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for ZombiePoolInterface, including all inherited members.
assignProxyPools(const map< Id, vector< Id > > &xr, Id myZombiePoolInterface, Id otherZombiePoolInterface, Id otherComptId)ZombiePoolInterface
assignXferIndex(unsigned int numProxyMols, unsigned int xferCompt, const vector< vector< unsigned int > > &voxy)ZombiePoolInterface
assignXferVoxels(unsigned int xferCompt)ZombiePoolInterface
compartment_ZombiePoolInterface [protected]
filterCrossRateTerms(const vector< Id > &xreacs, const vector< pair< Id, Id > > &xrt)ZombiePoolInterface
getBlock(vector< double > &values) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getCompartment() const ZombiePoolInterface
getDiffConst(const Eref &e) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getN(const Eref &e) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getNinit(const Eref &e) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getNumLocalVoxels() const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getNumPools() const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
getPoolIndex(const Eref &er) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
isBuilt_ZombiePoolInterface [protected]
matchJunctionVols(vector< double > &vols, Id otherComptId) const ZombiePoolInterface
pools(unsigned int i)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setBlock(const vector< double > &values)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setCompartment(Id compartment)ZombiePoolInterface [virtual]
setDiffConst(const Eref &e, double val)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setDsolve(Id dsolve)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setMotorConst(const Eref &e, double val)ZombiePoolInterface [inline, virtual]
setN(const Eref &e, double val)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setNinit(const Eref &e, double val)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setNumAllVoxels(unsigned int numVoxels)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setNumPools(unsigned int num)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setStoich(Id stoich)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
setupCrossSolverReacs(const map< Id, vector< Id > > &xr, Id otherStoich)ZombiePoolInterface
setupCrossSolverReacVols(const vector< vector< Id > > &subCompts, const vector< vector< Id > > &prdCompts)ZombiePoolInterface
setupXfer(Id myZombiePoolInterface, Id otherZombiePoolInterface, unsigned int numProxyMols, const vector< VoxelJunction > &vj)ZombiePoolInterface
stoich_ZombiePoolInterface [protected]
updateRateTerms(unsigned int index=~0U)=0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
volume(unsigned int i) const =0ZombiePoolInterface [pure virtual]
xComptIn(const Eref &e, Id srcZombiePoolInterface, vector< double > values)ZombiePoolInterface
xfer_ZombiePoolInterface [protected]

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