Table Member List

This is the complete list of members for Table, including all inherited members.
compareVec(vector< double > other, string op)TableBase
compareXplot(string fname, string plotname, string op)TableBase
getOutputValue() const TableBase
getThreshold() const Table
getVec() const TableBase
getVecSize() const TableBase
getY(unsigned int index) const TableBase
initCinfo()Table [static]
input(double v)Table
interpolate(double x, double xmin, double xmax) const TableBase
linearTransform(double scale, double offset)TableBase
loadCSV(string fname, int startLine, int colNum, char separator)TableBase
loadXplot(string fname, string plotname)TableBase
loadXplotRange(string fname, string plotname, unsigned int start, unsigned int end)TableBase
lookupVec(unsigned int index)TableBase
plainPlot(string file)TableBase
process(const Eref &e, ProcPtr p)Table
reinit(const Eref &e, ProcPtr p)Table
setOutputValue(double val)TableBase
setThreshold(double v)Table
setVec(vector< double > val)TableBase
setVecSize(unsigned int num)TableBase
spike(double v)Table
vec()TableBase [protected]
xplot(string file, string plotname)TableBase

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