MeshEntry Member List

This is the complete list of members for MeshEntry, including all inherited members.
extent(DataId di, double volume, double area, double perimeter)MeshEntry
getCoordinates(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getDiffusionArea(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getDiffusionScaling(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getDimensions(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getMeshType(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getNeighbors(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
getVolume(const Eref &e) const MeshEntry
initCinfo()MeshEntry [static]
MeshEntry(const ChemCompt *parent)MeshEntry
process(const Eref &e, ProcPtr info)MeshEntry
reinit(const Eref &e, ProcPtr info)MeshEntry
triggerRemesh(const Eref &e, double oldvol, unsigned int startEntry, const vector< unsigned int > &localIndices, const vector< double > &vols)MeshEntry

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