MeshCompt Member List

This is the complete list of members for MeshCompt, including all inherited members.
addRow(unsigned int index, const vector< double > &entry, const vector< unsigned int > &colIndex)MeshCompt
buildDefaultMesh(const Eref &e, double volume, unsigned int numEntries)ChemCompt
buildJunction(ChemCompt *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret)ChemCompt
clearExtendedMeshEntryVolume()MeshCompt [virtual]
distance(double x, double y, double z)ChemCompt [static]
extendedMeshEntryVolume(unsigned int fid) const MeshCompt [virtual]
extendStencil(const ChemCompt *other, const vector< VoxelJunction > &vj)MeshCompt
ChemCompt::extendStencil(const ChemCompt *other, const vector< VoxelJunction > &vj)=0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
flipRet(vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const ChemCompt
getChildConcs(const Eref &e, vector< double > &childConcs) const ChemCompt
getCoordinates(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getDiffusionArea(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getDiffusionScaling(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getDimensions() const ChemCompt
getEntireVolume(const Eref &e) const ChemCompt
getMeshDimensions(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getMeshEntryVolume(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getMeshType(unsigned int fid) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
getMethod() const ChemCompt
getNeighbors(unsigned int fid) const MeshCompt [virtual]
getNumEntries() const ChemCompt
getOneVoxelVolume(const Eref &e, unsigned int voxel) const ChemCompt
getParentVoxel() const =0MeshCompt [pure virtual]
getStencil() const MeshCompt
getStencilIndex(unsigned int row) const ChemCompt
getStencilRate(unsigned int row) const ChemCompt
getStencilRow(unsigned int meshIndex, const double **entry, const unsigned int **colIndex) const MeshCompt [virtual]
getVoxelArea() const =0MeshCompt [pure virtual]
getVoxelLength() const =0MeshCompt [pure virtual]
getVoxelMidpoint() const ChemCompt
getVoxelVolume() const ChemCompt
handleNodeInfo(const Eref &e, unsigned int numNodes, unsigned int numThreads)ChemCompt
indexToSpace(unsigned int index, double &x, double &y, double &z) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
initCinfo()ChemCompt [static]
innerBuildDefaultMesh(const Eref &e, double volume, unsigned int numEntries)=0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
innerGetDimensions() const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
innerGetNumEntries() const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
innerGetStencilRate(unsigned int row) const MeshCompt [virtual]
innerHandleNodeInfo(const Eref &e, unsigned int numNodes, unsigned int numThreads)=0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
innerResetStencil()MeshCompt [virtual]
innerSetNumEntries(unsigned int n)=0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
lookupEntry(unsigned int index)ChemCompt
matchMeshEntries(const ChemCompt *other, vector< VoxelJunction > &ret) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
nearest(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int &index) const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
setChildConcs(const Eref &e, const vector< double > &childConcs, unsigned int start) const ChemCompt
setEntireVolume(const Eref &e, double volume)ChemCompt
setMeshEntryVolume(unsigned int fid, double volume)ChemCompt [virtual]
setMethod(string method)ChemCompt
setNumEntries(unsigned int num)ChemCompt
setOneVoxelVolume(const Eref &e, unsigned int voxel, double volume)ChemCompt
setStencilSize(unsigned int numRows, unsigned int numCols)MeshCompt
setVolumeNotRates(double volume)ChemCompt
vGetEntireVolume() const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
vGetVoxelMidpoint() const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
vGetVoxelVolume() const =0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
voxelVolOut()ChemCompt [static]
vSetVolumeNotRates(double volume)=0ChemCompt [pure virtual]
~ChemCompt()ChemCompt [virtual]

Generated on 1 Jul 2015 for MOOSE by  doxygen 1.6.1